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Feeling lost, lazy, uninterested, and depressed after spiritual awakening (What to do?)
Depression and spiritual awakening -- two sides of one door | Lisa Miller | TEDxTeachersCollege
Life After Spiritual Awakening Is Not Permanently Blissful
I'm Too Burned Out And Depressed To Be Present | Q&A Eckhart Tolle
The Reason You Have No MOTIVATION After Spiritual Awakening (And How To Solve It!)
How Do I Deal with Depression and Awaken Joy and Happiness?
How My Spiritual Awakening Ruined My Life
Not Motivated After A Spiritual Awakening - Here's Perhaps Why
Does awakening destroy the Ego? Life after spiritual awakening is not pure bliss
Losing Interest In Life Activities Due To Spiritual Path, What To Do?
5 BIGGEST Reasons Why You Are Feeling So Tired In Your Spiritual Awakening
The Reason Why You Feel Bored | Sadhguru